Pasteurizers for Calf Health Management


Take Control of your Calf’s Health

Our range of HTST waste milk and colostrum pasteurizers are the most cost-effective and efficient way for you to protect your calves from harmful diseases while also ensuring a healthier, faster growing herd.

It is important to raise healthy, robust calves to ensure the success of your farm. By using a Unison Colostrum and Waste Milk Pasteurizer, you eliminate the need to purchase costly milk replacer and help increase your calves’ health and growth rate.

Pasteurizing waste milk can provide farmers with an opportunity to generate a low-cost, high-quality liquid feed for their calves. This process can greatly reduce the cost of raising calves. However quality control and maintenance are essential to ensuring the safety of the milk for calves.



Unison Animal Health Solutions

Unison makes managing the pasteurization of your colostrum and waste milk easy. Fully automatic and with one-touch operation, our pasteurizers save you time, energy and money.
Over the past few years, many farmers have realised the benefits of pasteurizing waste milk for their calves and have been using batch pasteurizers to do so. This process can be very labor intensive, hard to manage and uneconomical for the farmer.
When compared to a batch pasteurizer, our HTST pasteurizers result in the same quality milk but are three times faster, use 1/9th of the energy and can result in savings of thousands of euros every year.

Healthier Calves

Research has shown that pasteurized-milk-fed calves typically outperform milk-replacer-fed calves, due to the increased nutrient composition and nonspecific immune components (e.g. hormones, growth factors, etc.) found in waste milk. The result is healthier and faster growing calves.

Huge Savings

Lower calf rearing costs ensures fast payback of your pasteurization equipment as the waste milk pasteurizer. You can save thousands a month on milk replacer along with saving on nursing costs for illnesses, medication and veterinary costs. Heat recovery also saves energy and results in savings of thousands per year when compared with traditional batch pasteurizers.